What Is Aerox World?

Aerox world is a unique ecosystem in the world
of cryptocurrencies,including a
wallet, exchange, farm game
in one telegram app

Swap Tokens
Swap various coins
quickly and with
minimal fees
Trade Futures
Trade with margin
leverage to increase
Join Launchpad
Invest in coins at an early
stage and make a profit
or publish your own
Provide Liquidity
Provide liquidity to other
coins or create a liquidity
pool for your coin
Farm game
Earn tokens in the
game by mining and
playing mini-games
Getting airdrop
Expect an airdrop and
get the rewards
you deserve
Doing tasks
Complete easy
tasks and earn
Store and manage
your tokens with
a secure and
convenient wallet
Our wallet supports
various blockchains
such as Bitcoin,
Ethereum, Ton, etc.

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